Do you care about sunflower seed protein?
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Do you care about sunflower seed protein?

Publish Time: 2024-01-18     Origin: Site

Sunflower seed protein is a protein product made from defatted sunflower seed meal, after removing the hull and phenolic compounds such as chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid.

Here is the content list:

l Protein composition

l Nutritional properties

l Application scenarios

Protein composition

Domestic sunflower seed kernels contain 21% to 30% protein, and sunflower seed cake meal after oil extraction generally contains more than 50% protein. Sunflower seeds contain 55% to 60% globulin, 17% to 23% albumin, 1% to 4% alcohol soluble protein, and 11% to 17% glutenin in their protein. The bound non-protein nitrogen and insoluble residues are less than 11% of the total nitrogen content. Sunflower seed protein has a solubility of 20%, 50% to 60%, and 3% in aqueous, salt, and ethanol solutions respectively. The molecular mass of sunflower seed protein was found to range from 10 to 450 kDa by gel chromatography, ultrafiltration, and electrophoresis, and the molecular mass of the main component was 125 kDa, while the average molecular mass was 180 kDa, and it contained six to seven protein components. The isoelectric point of sunflower seed protein is pH 4.0.

Nutritional properties

The chemical composition of sunflower seeds varies somewhat depending on the variety and growing environment. Domestic sunflower seeds usually contain 40% to 68% fat, 21% to 30% protein, 2.0% to 6.5% carbohydrates, 6.0% crude fiber, and 3.2% to 5.4% ash. Among the amino acid composition of sunflower protein, the content of lysine is higher than that of cereal protein but slightly lower compared to soy protein and animal protein. When comparing its amino acid composition with FAO values, the content of all essential amino acids is higher or similar to FAO values, except for lysine, so lysine is the first limiting amino acid in sunflower seeds. Although low in lysine, its effective lysine content can be as high as 90%.

Application scenarios

For general food use. Adding 1% to 2% defatted sunflower seed protein powder to bread and other foods after steaming for 1 hour with moist heat can fortify nutrition, make up for the lack of essential amino acid content in the flour, and also increase the elasticity of the bread flesh and have the effect of preventing starch aging in the flour.

Sunflower seed protein has a lower lysine content than soy protein, but a higher methionine content. The combination of sunflower seed protein and soy protein can be added to infant foods for nutritional fortification. Additive in meat products. By adding sunflower seed protein to meat products such as sausages, the shrinkage during smoking is reduced, which not only prevents the separation of fat and less weight loss but also increases the tenderness of sausages and makes the products more palatable. Adding sunflower seed tissue protein (30%) to the filling of pies, buns, and dumplings instead of pork not only reduces animal fat in the food and lowers the cholesterol content, but also lowers the cost.

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